Company Profile
Maresco Limited is a premier provider of building façade restoration and related services. Since 1974 Maresco has become a trusted partner and a solid foundation serving Ontario in multi-unit residential, commercial and institutional sectors.
Our vision is to be a leading supplier of high value restoration services. We work in partnership with customers who value the highest levels of quality, safety and technical expertise. Our skills are applied in appropriate combinations to meet individual customer need.
We are committed to building long lasting business relationships founded in mutual respect, integrity and trust.
Our company was established in June 1974 initially under the name of Neath Toronto Ltd.
Health reasons forced Mr. Neath to sell his Hamilton operations to a competitor. In order to avoid the name association with our competitor Maresco Limited was chosen. The name Maresco basically is an easily pronounced and spelled acronym, being made up of the first few letters of words fundamental to our business, namely
MAsonry, REStoration, COncrete
Over the years Maresco Limited has enjoyed a steady growth as an open shop contractor. Profits were largely re-invested in upgraded equipment, facilities and staff, to the point, where today Maresco is recognized and respected by engineers, owners and competitors alike as an industry leader. We believe this success is rooted in our business philosophy.
The Building and Concrete Restoration Association of Ontario’s members are contractors, material suppliers, consultants and engineering firms with expertise in the field of building and concrete repair. The Association was founded in 1985.
Merit Open shop Contractors Association
Laying the Foundation for a Fair Construction Industry
Association of Condominium Managers of Ontario
Surety and Insurance
Zurich Insurance Company of Canada acts as Maresco Limited surety. We are fully bondable for Performance, Labour and Material Payment Bonds.
Maresco Limited carries $ 7,000,000 dollar Commercial General Liability for operations and non-owned vehicles. We also have a Third Party Automobile Liability limit of $1,000,000.00 for owned vehicles and $4,000,000 Umbrella Liability in excess of General and Third Party Automobile Liability Limits.
Sustainable Development
We act today with the future in mind. In particular terms Maresco Limited will demonstrate that commitment by:
- Complying with relevant environmental legislation, regulations and construction industry codes of practice
- Seeking continual improvement in the environmental performance of our operations
- Recognizing that environmental factors such as energy efficiency, noise and visual impact, protection of flora and fauna, hazardous material management and waste management are all environmental aspects of our business
- Maintaining a structured approach to managing our environmental aspects by implementing an Environmental Management System
- Clearly defining the environmental responsibilities of personnel
- Building and encouraging environmental care amongst our employees by providing training and support